Howard Shanks
Technical Editor
Howard Shanks has over 35 years of experience in the transport industry. His grounding as a qualified fitter, machine operator and truck driver has given him the experience to become a revered leading technical transport mentor, filmmaker and photojournalist. In addition, his working knowledge of the industry and mechanical components has seen demand for his services as a technical advisor, OEM handbook consultant, and driver trainer increase in recent years. Howard’s unrivalled technical knowledge of engine and driveline technology, combined with his notable ability to communicate this information with our readers, is remarkable.

Danny Bourke
Design and Production
Danny from Southern Bear Creative Solutions has been designing and producing top quality motoring magazines for over 30 years.

Uncle Jesse
Bon Vivant/Writer
No one word can accurately describe this character. But the dictionary defines a person who resists authority, control, or tradition as a Rebel. Not surprisingly, it probably comes as no shock then that our Uncle Jesse is often labelled a rebel.
But truth be told, rebels make things happen. They instigate change because they’re not afraid to stick their necks out for something they believe. Furthermore, they don’t beat about the bush. They tell the truth, even when it’s unpopular. Their ideas are innovative because they enjoy challenging existing ones. Importantly, though, they’re not afraid to express those ideas. Rebels tend not to be intimidated by risk, hard work, or on the other hand, a good party, for that matter.
So, meet our Uncle Jesse, alter ego, philosopher, modern-day Banjo Paterson slash Jack Kerouac of our team. He’s the guy who has been there and done it, some things more than once. He’s the guy to ask if you have a question about all things trucking, but best of all, he can tell a good story.